Harold E. Selesky - Encyclopedia of the American Revolution (2006).jpg
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This second edition of a compact American Revolution reference resource is part of the Library of Military History series published by Thomson Gale. The original 1966 edition was created by Mark Mayo Boatner III. “All 1700 entries were reviewed, and all but a small percentage have been comprehensively revised and augmented.” (p. xi) These articles were updated under the chief editorship of Harold E. Selesky with new scholarship information modern terms and phrases.
The revised articles include the name of the revisionist at the end of the article. The encyclopedia is in the traditional A to Z format. The first volume in this traditionally A-to-Z formatted set is a list of articles, a thematic outline not found in the first edition, followed by the list of contributors who helped to revise some of the articles. Though the articles vary in length, most are short and finish with a short bibliography or no bibliography at all; there are several cross references.
The set features copious black and white illustrations and maps. The articles cover biographies, battles, locations, military topics, political topics and some religious topics; the most numerous articles are biographies. The several appendices include a list with pertinent facts about the signers of the Declaration of the Independence, delegates to the Continental Congresses, the British Regiments, the general officers of the Continental Army and calendars of the Revolutionary time period. An extensive and updated selected bibliography begins with citations of manuscripts and many pages of published sources, most of which are books and journals - there is very little from the Internet listed.
The third volume, Landmarks of the American Revolution, was originally edited by Mark M. Boatner III and published in 1973. Boatner was involved with the revisions, expansions, and updates to this second edition. This volume serves as a companion to the Encyclopedia of the American Revolution but can also stand on its own. This volume is divided according to states, Canada, the Caribbean, and the District of Columbia. For each geographical area, landmarks and other historical locations are presented with short articles on the site and maps including landmark notations. In addition to the basic information about each site, there are directions as how to get to it and times when it is open to the public, phone numbers, e-mail address, and other such pertinent information. The volume concludes with an index.
The three-volume combined set will be of interest to students and general readers of the American Revolution. This reference set is recommended to public and academic libraries and is geared toward upper-class high school students and undergraduate college students.